Thursday 16 October 2008

Breaking News

Just a quickie to share some good news and thank a few people.

Firstly I wish to thank the members of the HCGB to whom I spoke with over the last few days and who were very encouraging and supporting towards our venture.

Likewise I also wish to draw to attention to the abusive comments provided to a forum not associated with the HCGB of which clearly identifies the offenders of there morality and nature of how they operate.

Now the positive. Yes is the answer to all those questions relating to the testing of new fan blades, although until confirmation from the design team and engineers, I can't confirm who has created them. That said, all will be revealed soon and posted on the new web site.

Yes is the answer to have we been researching new materials for the hull which reduces wear and stress and once again our partners in this area will be kept confidential until we announce the new web site.

Finally.......................Yes is the answer to a breakthrough in technology which can reduce emissions and sound relative to UK standards and guidelines.

If any member of the HCGB wishes to examine or buy products such as blades etc, providing they can provide proof of membership to HCGB, we will be delighted to offer them for sale with a discount. You will have to be patient as they won't be available until March/April 2009, but can be bought through our office in Sheffield or online shop when ready.